Pool & Spa Maintenance

Pool Supplies & Maintenance

About Pool & Spa Maintenance

Residential | Commercial | Industrial

At Splash’s Pools, we know not everyone likes to, or has time to maintain their Pool or Spa. That’s where we can help. Let us take care of it for you by our highly-trained service technicians.

We also offer advise and expertise on how to get the best from your Pool and Spa. This can include;

Regular Maintenance, One-Off Cleans, Green Pool Recoveries, Pool and Spa Equipment Installations or Repairs, and on-site training for new pool owners.

All of the above services are provided and tailored to your needs and budget.

Call us today to discuss and book your initial service and consult.

We can then tailor a regular maintenance schedule which best suits your Pool and Spa needs and budget.

Get your weekend back and reduce your stress of having to maintain your Pool or Spa

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